Friday, January 17, 2014

Yep, There Really is a Pink Kitchen

Bet you thought this was just a cutesy little title for a blog, didn't you? Nope. There's actually a pink kitchen and I'm the proud owner of it. I should say I'm the proud inheritor of it since my mother is directly responsible for the pink. I'm indirectly responsible for it as I accidentally burned down my parents' kitchen in the mid-1980s while still in residence at their home as I was attending college. I think I'm the only child in the history of the planet who did not get in trouble for causing major fire damage to the family home. My mother was thrilled because this meant she got to remodel the kitchen. And what you see here is the finished product. Pink walls. Pink counter tops. And harvest gold appliances. This room is a testament to my dad's love for my mother. He never blinked an eye at her decorating choices which always involved a pink hue of some sort. I inherited their very lovely home which I laughingly call The Pink Palace. Someday it won't be entirely pink, but that's going to take some time, money, and remodeling.

I got a bee in my bonnet tonight to create a blog with the phrase "pink kitchen" in the title. Beyond that, I'm not entirely sure what my plans are for this blog. I was thinking maybe I could post family recipes that originated from this pink kitchen. We'll see. If you have any suggestions, let me know.